My Potty Pad 殿堂級竉物尿墊採用日本化工企業 "住有精化株式會社" (Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Company Limited) 生產之高份子, 有效強力吸收、鎖住水份並瞬間乾爽, 無疑比市面上絕大部份竉物尿墊更勝一疇.
My Potty Pad 殿堂級竉物尿墊的8大優點:
鎖住水份, 瞬間乾爽
控制氣味, 保持空氣清新
aaaa wwww (0)
I purchased this moisturiser 2 weeks ago. Skin went bright red and sunburn looking with no sun exposure after 3 hours. Stoped. Within 24 hours skin back to normal. 4 days later tried again, similar response only worse, this time feels like bad sunburn, stinging, painful red swollen skin, with no sun exposure at all. (Deliberately left moisturiser of part of neck, that area no reaction.) I have never reacted to a moisturiser before, let alone the painful red ‘sunburn’ like reaction this one caused. ‘Ultra Gentle Daily Moisturiser, by Neutrogena, for me was a very bad choice. I can not recommend it. ( I thought I did the right thing by contacting the company and giving them a review, they deleted it.)